
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

World Cup Predictions: Part 2

Yesterday I told you what would happen in the group stage, today I tell you what will go down in the knockout stage and who will be crowned world champions. By the way, I haven't been able to play soccer in forever because of this rain, IT NEEDS TO STOP. Hopefully it wont rain this much in Brazil, even if it did, they probably have world class pitches. Anyways...

The knockout stage of any tournament is scary, if you lose you go home and your hopes of winning are over. First off, lets say I predicted everything right in the group stage. The knockout matches would start off like this:

Brazil vs. Spain! What a spectacle to have in the second round, not even the quarterfinals! This is a final worthy matchup happening in the round of 16. Spain is a great team, but Brazil is quick and flashy, two things Spain needs to catch up on. This will be a re-run of the confederations cup final of last summer, Brazil will dominate, and Brazil will win. The Ivory Coast and Uruguay will be a great game to watch if it actually happens. Even though the Ivory Coast should have a dominating group stage performance, Uruguay edges this one out. France and Bosnia will also be a very interesting game. As long as the French do not lose their minds I think Bosnia's Cinderella run will end there. An upset could be lurking though. Germany and Russia should be a pretty easy game for the Germans. Russia is a European team but their footballing talent is not what it once was. The Netherlands and Croatia might be a pretty physical game. The Dutch will pull out the win with their "total football". Italy and Columbia should be a fun game to watch. Without Falcao, the Columbians wont have enough power to get past Italy. Argentina and Switzerland, unfortunately for the Swiss they will not have a chance. Look for Argentina to slice through them like chocolate. Belgium and Portugal, doesn't get much better than that for a Round of 16 match (except Brazil vs Spain of course). The young Belgian squad will face their toughest opponent yet and it will not be easy at all. It might go into extra time, but Hazard and the rest of the Belgium squad can pull out a win.

Now into the quarterfinals. By now most of the mediocre teams are out and it all gets pretty exciting. Brazil vs Uruguay, a South American matchup. Uruguay has some great attacking quality and their defense isn't as bad as one might think. Although they stack up nicely against Brazil, Brazil's overall talent and momentum they will carry from beating Spain will push them through into the semifinals. Next up, a European match up, France vs Germany. France has plenty of talent but unfortunately for them they will meet up against a team that has even better talent. Germany advances to the semis. Another thrilling quarterfinal matchup is possible. I hope it happens because it will be very entertaining. The Netherlands vs Italy. This game could really go in either teams favor but I have the Italians advancing. Argentina will end Belgium's run. The Belgians will be even more dangerous in 4 years.

Ahh, the semi finals. Now you are so close to final you can taste it. No matter if the semi final games turn out to feature the same teams I have in them or not, they should be great games. My first semi final game involves two teams that are top favorites to win the whole tournament. Brazil vs Germany. This should be a cracker of a match. It could go deep into extra time or even into penalties but the home team, Brazil, will pull out the win under immense pressure. The other semi final has two big teams in it, not exactly favored teams to get that far, but still very good teams. Argentina vs Italy. Argentina has great attacking players and Italy just wont be able to handle it on South American soil. Argentina advances to set up an all South American final. Doesn't get much better than that.

Brazil vs Argentina. The atmosphere in Rio would be absolutely crazy. Whether this final happens or not, one of those teams will definitely be in it, Brazil. That's because Brazil will hoist the World Cup trophy on home soil. Playing at home will give them a huge boost of confidence. They have plenty of talent in all positions. Goalie, defense, and of course the midfield/forwards. Argentina is great up front but that can only carry you so far, that's why Brazil will win the 2014 World Cup.

Tomorrow I will post the third edition of the best feature on this blog: Best and Worst Jerseys. Of course it will be World Cup Edition so come back and read!

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