
Monday, December 30, 2013

Upgrading Equipment

Before we get into stuff all about me, this weekend the Premier League had plenty of exciting matches taking place. It's the famous "Winter Period" in England which calls for a jam packed schedule for all Premier League teams. The teams with  depth deeper than the Atlantic ocean will definitely have the upper hand during this montage of games. The wonderful Arsenal traveled to Newcastle, the North East is never an easy place to travel. The game was kind of sloppy, but in the end Arsenal pulled out the 1-0 win on a free kick taken by Walcott to the French head of Olivier Giroud. Manchester United has really had a disappointing season in terms of Man U, but lately they've been pulling out results. Not beautiful results, but for them 3 points is all they need right now. Their game in Norwich showed how desperate they were for those valuable mid-table 3 points. It was sloppy but Welbeck scored the only goal sending United back to Manchester with a win. Chelsea beat Liverpool 2-1 and Hull beat Fulham 6-0. I don't know why I like Fulham a little, maybe its because of their awesome stadium (even though they took down the statue of Michael Jackson), but they need to get it together or regulation could be on the horizon.

So I made the High School soccer team which is a pretty big deal for me. Now I'm thinking, "Hey maybe its time for an equipment upgrade." I'm not talking like hundreds of dollars worth but maybe just a few things to help with my training. I was shopping at tj max and saw a nice pair of puma sweat pants (my favorite brand) so I thought why not pick these up, I don't even have to order them online! So as I continue my online shopping I'm thinking about buying some Nike Elite soccer socks. They look pretty nice and they're supposed to feel great too, but they're around the $20 mark. That's expensive for any kind of sock. If I do get a pair it will be interesting to see if their better than my Bayern Munich socks. They were kind of pricey too, but they have proved to be very good.

Other things I've been looking at are Nike Elite running socks, Adidas/Puma training pants, and maybe even some new cleats. They are so many things to buy out on the soccer market, but unfortunately my funds are not that high haha. If they are recommendations that y'all have for me please comment: At the moment I'm more interested in more training like equipment (socks, running shoes, pants, jackets, clothes, and etc). But I'll take any suggestions. Come back and read... Share this on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Webkinz, and Myspace (haha nobody gets on myspace anymore).

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Straighting Out the MLS

Ah yes, Christmas has just taken place and it was nice to get tons of gifts. Of course a few of them soccer related. Most notably a Confederations Cup official match ball which I was filled with joy to receive. It adds to my match ball collection. Although I still cant tell which is the best between it and my champions league match ball, I will definitely find out soon (a report might come out on that). Anyways besides the match balls the rest of my holidays have been great.

The MLS just cant get itself together for me. I think it could be a pretty good league if it keeps improving in the next 3-5 years, but there are some major steps it will need to take. Some like allowing more foreign and high dollar players into the league instead of just focusing on mainly American's and lower quality foreign players. Also, teams need to get sorted out what their style of play will be and if they really want to keep players they have. At least the league is expanding in the coming years.

During half time of the MLS Finals the announcer guys interviewed the MLS Commissioner who said that the MLS would not start letting in more high dollar players and foreign players, that the MLS is focused on improving the American game. Now maybe he meant the MLS, but it sounded like the MLS was a farm system for the USA National team. To be honest Mr. Head Enchilada, your league will not get better if you don't allow more players in. American players might get better and better down the road, but that could be like 10 years from now. I understand we want to make home grown soccer produce, but most great leagues around the world don't just have their home players on the pitches. Alexi Lalas tried to tell the commissioner this, but whether he listens or not we will have to see.

So far since the MLS Finals in Kansas City, a lot of transfers have been made. Some of them are pretty disappointing to me. Eddie Johnson leaving Seattle was a big blow to me since I like Johnson and the Seattle Sounders. I think that if the Sounders would have kept Eddie Johnson and kept building a good team around him (bringing in players like Dempsey) they could win the MLS Championship. Instead of keeping Johnson, they elected to bring in Kenny Cooper. Being an FC Dallas fan and all I like Cooper, but he had a horrible season and I don't really think he's what Seattle needs. But then again, at Dallas the players around Cooper didn't do that good this season either.

DC United's coach Ben Olsen is going to have to step it up this season or his career at DC could be over. United had a horrible year in the MLS after coming off a previous season where they finished
2nd in the Eastern Conference table. Olsen has been there a while and this season United didn't really look like they new what a soccer ball was, "Football...whats a football?" Luckily for them Eddie Johnson will now play for them and maybe he's the spark that they need!

Come back and read more!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

England finally starting to shape up? Maybe not...

Woo, finally back to write again. My club season ended for me a few weeks ago with me scoring 4 goals and my team winning the match 7-2. It was a good way for me, and the team to end the season, after a season that did not really meet our tremendous standards. In the end, it was still a great season and I was happy to go out on a quad trick, I don't know what you call it when you score 4 goals in a game haha. I'm excited because its Christmas time, which is usually when I stalk up on soccer gear. But more on that later, in a later post. 

A big week for football all around the world. Everything ranging from a World Cup Draw, an MLS final, and an interesting weekend in the premier league. As I write this, Fulham is thrashing Aston Villa at the cottage 2-0. Then in North London Arsenal is warming up preparing to take on Everton in what should be a great match. In action that happened yesterday, David Moyes took another bad result at home to Newcastle, losing 1-0. Manchester United needs to get it together real quick if they want even a 1% chance at the title. Yes, I know I predicted Man U to win the title at the beginning of the season, but they aren't helping me out any. I'm scared they'll finish at best 3rd. Other notable matches in England's highest division yesterday included Manchester City continuing their horrible away form and tying Southampton 1-1. Southampton's goal was spectacular from Osvaldo. Chelsea lost to Stoke 3-2 in a pretty exciting match. With so many top teams losing, if the gunners pull out the win today, they will extend their lead at the top.

The World Cup draw took place on Friday and drew some pretty interesting groups. Unfortunately for USA fans, their group is probably one of the worst possible outcomes they could have had. Germany is one of the favorites for the world cup, Portugal doesn't always perform in big stages but they do have Ronaldo, and Ghana has eliminated USA from the past 2 world cups. Expect a World Cup Special issue by at least January about who I think will win, and what interesting things will happen. There is still a long time before Brazil.

The MLS Finals took place last night and I thought even though the game was kind of sloppy, it was very entertaining. It went all the way to penalties and lasted till the 10th kicker. I'm working on an MLS season review. Could come out in a few weeks, or a few days.

Bayern Munich continues to destroy everyone in Germany. Meanwhile I'm about to watch Arsenal beat Everton. Come back for more.