
Friday, July 26, 2013

Are we even in America?

The Gold Cup experience was a very cool one. It probably held the most entertaining crowd I had ever been with at a soccer match. The only other non-friendly games I had ever been to were just FC Dallas games and the crowds there don't really get too pumped (although the 4th league German division game had a lot on the line, only 14,500 people showed up). The England and Ireland game had a huge crowd, but since it was a friendly not much was put into it. The only problem with this great crowd was that the best part of the cheering, yelling, and booing, came in the Panama vs Mexico match.

Making our way towards the stadium we could all tell there were way more Mexican fans headed towards the entrance. Maybe because we were in Texas or maybe just more Mexicans like soccer. The USA vs Honduras game was still very fun! Eddie Johnson, one of my favorite young forwards for the National squad, put in the first goal. You could tell it was going to be a pretty easy win for the USA. Landon Donovan and Jose Torres really impressed me, especially Torres. His touches were precise and quick. His passes were usually expertly placed. The biggest disappointment had to be Brek Shea. I had always wanted to see him play at Dallas, then he moved across the pond to England. Luckily he got subbed into the game in the second half. His touches were horrible, he didn't seem energized, and even though he had some good ideas on the ball, his passes never seemed to make it through to the target. But I still think Shea deserves a spot on the National "A" squad! Anyways, the USA beat Honduras 3-1 and booked their ticket to Soldier Field in Chicago.

More and more people flooded the entrance into Cowboys Stadium for the Mexico game. There was lots of Spanish yelling and screaming. When Mexico scored their only goal of the match the crowd was super crazy!! Blas Perez for Panama had been having a good year at FC Dallas and they are probably missing him greatly right now. But Panama definitely needs him. He's had a great last two games and has looked very impressive to me. FC Dallas better hold on to him if he improves even more, because a trip to Europe is not out of the question for Perez. He put Panama up 1-0 and Panama eventually won the game 2-1.

The Gold Cup finals will be on Sunday in Chicago at Soldier Field. Make sure to tune in and watch the game. I think the two best teams in the tournament made it to the finals and I'm giving the USA the title, winning 2-1. I would have said 2-0, but Panama's offense is amazing and our set piece defending is horrible!

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