
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hull City goes shopping.......

Hull City was promoted to the Premier League last season and they're not wasting any time on improving their squad (maybe arsenal could learn from this). Hull city currently have their eyes on two strikers: Danny Graham and Nicklas Bendtner. Both these strikers did not have the best season. Graham had a pretty good deal going for him at Swansea, or at least I though so. Then for some crazy reason he moved to Sunderland, where he did not play at the level he is capable of. So, maybe a move to Kingston Upon Hull, will pay off for him. Bendtner on the other hand was loaned from Arsenal to Juventus last season where he got little to no playing time..... AT ALL. When he got there, the staff at Juventus even said he was fat and they had to put him on a diet. So cleary, Bendtner needs to get out of Italy fast. Going back to Arsenal does not seem like the right move. He was never a great player and I don't think the fans liked him too much. So a move to Hull City would probably work out. Bendter has played for the head coach of Hull City before, so he already knows what's up.

Cesc Fabregas made the mistake of going back to his home Barcelona in 2011. He should have stayed with the Gunners, oh well. But anyways, many premier league teams would like to have his talents. Manchester United placed a bid on the Spanish international, but the bid was REJECTED. Tito Vilanova, the head coach of the ticky-tackers, said that he talked to the former Arsenal captain, and that Cesc said he is happy in Catalonia and does not want to move. Why stay at Barca? I mean the playing time there is always in question, and to me, the Spanish league isn't really that hard. But we will see where this goes for the next few days. The price can always be right in buying football players.

Come back and read Best and Worst Jerseys part 2 in about a week or so. It was one of my most popular posts........EVER!!!!!!!!!!! And check back in the following days for more amazing blogs!

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