
Monday, July 2, 2012

Back From DC

Hello and sorry I have been gone so long. I was on vacation in Washington DC! It was very fun and who would have thought it, I got to see a soccer match. Anyways, yesterday was the big Euro 2012 Final. I hope you are not expecting some sort of big recap but I will give you some of the game!

Well while being in DC I missed both semifinals. Which was sad, but at least I did not have to see Mario Balottelli score 2 goals against Germany, then take his shirt off and act like he had muscles. In  the finals, in case you could not tell I was for Spain. In the 13th Minute Cesc Fabregas dribbled it down to the endline, crossed it back into the middle and David Silva (One of the more shortest persons in the tournament) headed it in!! 1-0 Spain! But this was just the start for them. Xavi made a beautiful pass right to Ramos Jordi Alba who finished it perfectly and Spain went up 2-0. Thats what the score was going into the half! The next goal came very late in the second half. The substitute, Fernado Torres, put one in the back of the net! It was now 3-0 Spain. I forgot to mention that Itlay was down to 10 men because one of their players got hurt and they had used all their subs! Then the goals scorer, Torres, made a very unselfish pass right to Juan Mata who also hit the back of the net! Spain Wins The Euro Cup 4-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that the Euro 2012 Tournament is over, I will not have to cover it and now I can write about any related soccer thing I want pretty much!

Anyway thats it for today, Bye!

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