
Sunday, July 22, 2012

FIFA 13 and 100 Million Euros

Harry Redknapp wants to have another go with a premier league team, after the Spurs fired him. He had been linked to the middle east, along with offers from China and Russia. But he says he wants to stay in the Premier League. Redknapp was very surprised when he was sacked from the Spurs job and other people where too. He actually would have qualified for the Champions League, it is just that Chelsea won the whole thing and took their spot. We will see in the coming weeks where he lands a job or if he lands a job at all!

Napoli President has said their 25 year old striker Cavani is not for sale, but they would be able to let him go for a low price of 100 Million Euros. He later went on and said that this was not his real value, but that is what he was worth to the team.

 Most soccer fans and soccer players have heard of the soccer video game FIFA, and that is what we are going to review. Of course FIFA 13 is not out yet, but lots of features of the game has been released. In FIFA 13 this year they have said a new feature will be the first touch controll. In all past FIFA games if you could get the ball to the player he almost always got the perfect first touch on it, without it bouncing off his knee, or him miss controlling it. But that is changing this year! I do not know how they will do it, or with what buttons but if you are buying the new FIFA 13 expect it to be harder to keep controll on the ball in the air or even on the ground. Then they go on with the usually stuff, battle for possesion, all fancy tricks on the ball, blah , blah, blah! But then they added anther new feature! FIFA has included tactical free kicks this year. That means instead of just shooting it or passing it off the free kick, you can have somebody run and step over it, or any other creatinve play that we see in the pro's. It will be interesting to see how that works and if you gives you a better chance of putting the ball in the net. For game play that is really all I have heard from the makers of the game. I expect them to have all the modes FIFA 12 had and maybe they will include something new. For all you people out there who like big improvement on graphics, I would not be expecting anything that much improved, there will probably be a few bugs worked out from the 12 version. Of course all the new kits will be updated and all the players put on their new teams. I think that FIFA 13 will be pretty good and people will like the first touch controll and tactical free kicks, even I am waitng to see how the free kicks go. First touch controll, not so much, but most people say they are really wanting that, so I guess they got it!

Thanks for reading today, come back tomorrow!

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