
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bale Injured and US National Women

One of the Spurs top players, Gareth Bale, was injured in a friendly against Liverpool. Bale stole the ball at midfield and started dribbling, then Charlie Adam came running from behind a threw his cleats down on Bale's foot. Bale was in a lot of pain, but to Andre-Villas Boas's refief, he did not come up with a big injury. Bale has called Adam a coward, and  Villas Boas thinks it would be nice to have an
 apology from the Liverpool player.

Today the U.S. Womens National team plays in the olympics. They have already won their first two games and are looking to go 3-0 playing North Korea. It will be at Manchester United's stadium, Old Trafford. Just a few days ago in the United States game against Colombia, Abby Wambach was punched by Lady Andrade. It happened in the 39th minute when Andrade punched Wambach in the eye. Later the U.S. team called on FIFA to take action and they did, suspending Lady Andrade for two games. This means that Andrade will miss Colombia's next group game and if they advance, their first knock out stage game. Todays game should be a good one, and it is already said that there is a little rivalry between the U.S. and North Korea.

Thanks for reading, come back tomorrow!

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