
Monday, August 13, 2012

Collection of News 3

Collection of News:

The Arsenal Midfielder Alex Song has said he is happy at Arsenal and does not want to leave. Barcelona has had intrest in him, but he said he had heard of that intrest and would still like to stay at Arsenal. Song had some pretty nice assist at Arsenal last season and scored one goal. Even though he is not a big goal threat he is a pretty good passer of the ball.

Athletic Bilbao will sell the Spanish National player, Fernando Llorente, only if someone will pay the small fee of 36 Million Euros. Llorente said he would like to leave just last week and Juventus was getting some money together to offer 16 Million, but if Bilbao hold up on their price that would be nowhere close. The Premier League club Tottenham is also interested, but Llorente has made it clear that he wants to play in the UEFA Champions League. At that price I do not think anybody can get him.

The 21 year old Jack Rodwell has moved to Manchester City. He has played some for the England National squad and it will be intersting to see how he does on a big premier league team. Manchester City, like always, have said that they still may buy more players before the window is closed at the end of August.

Thanks for reading today.

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