
Friday, August 3, 2012

Worst National Anthem Ever

I forgot to mention something about the FC Dallas game I went to. The thing that I will remember most about the game was the National Anthem. It was one of the worst National Anthems that I have ever heard. For some reason they had a 11 year old girl, that could not sing come out there. It was also one of the slowest Anthems any body in the world had ever heard. By the time she got out the O Say, most national anthems would have probably been over. It just sounded bad and went on forever. You could see people laughing and looking over their shoulder making faces at her. It has already got lots of hits on youtube, and some people have written articles on it. I know its just an 11 year old girl, but trust me it was really bad. And for the real experience you really had to be there.

Thanks for reading today.

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