
Friday, June 22, 2012

Man U Napping???

Yesterday in the first quarter final match, my prediction of who would win was correct, the score not so much. The first goal took a while do come in the game. In took Ronaldo 79 minutes to head one into the back of the net. He was behind a defender when the cross came in and instead of the defender remembering about Ronaldo he was ball watching and thought the ball was going to come right to him. Then Ronaldo, like a Ferrari, went from 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds and ran in front of the ball watcher. Ronaldo then headed the ball hard on the ground and it bounced up into the net. I think Cech might have got some fingertips on the ball. That is how the game ended Portugal defeats Czech Republic 1-0! My score was 2-1 Portugal that wasn't too bad. Portugal advances to the Semi Finals!

Hulk has confirmed that he would like to join Chelsea and join them at a fee of 38 million pounds. In Spain Real Madrid has said they would like to buy the Tottenham striker Luka Modric for a fee of 30 Million Pounds. Manchester United was looking at the Croatian too, but Real Madrid says they have caught Man U napping and will get Modric.

Today's Quarter Final match is Germany vs Greece! As I said yesterday this one might get a little ugly. I got Germany winning 4-1!

Sorry that today's blog was a bit short I have a few things to do. Also there maybe a chance that I will not be able to write tomorrow. Sunday, if I do write, it will probably be a little later in the day!

Good Bye!!

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