
Monday, June 4, 2012

Yay I Created A Blog and Season Review

Well, I started a blog! This blog will be totally devoted to the great game of football, or to you Americans, soccer! Almost everything, everyday will be totally about soccer! Stretching from pro leagues like the English Premier League, all the way to U14 rec. play! I hope this blog entertains you or gives you updates about your favorite team, players, etc. If you would like to check out another soccer blog, this one totally about Chelsea :( , the my friend Adam Fletcher has a nice blog you may want to check out.Chelsea Facts.

Now lets start with a season review! In the English Premier league,the most amazing team Arsenal (my favorite team, just incase you couldn't tell) finished in a respectable third, after a horrible start to the season. The horrible cheating team of Manchester City, who buys all their players, came in first. They did it by the slighest of margins, only beating their cross town rivals by goal differential. This was a horrible blow to me, being for Manchester United in the title race. In fourth place were the  Tottenham Hotspur. For those of you who don't know, finishing in the top four of the English Premier League, you get to play in a huge European tournament next year called the UEFA Champions League. This gives your team a 50 Million Pound Bonus. In US Dollars that is about 76 Million. So my favorite team Arsenal is in the Champions League!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our North London rivals Tottenham would be too, but Chelsea got the spot. You might be asking how the chessy sausage did that happen! Well in this years Champions League, Chelsea had to win the whole tournament to get the fourth place spot in the Premier League. Unfortuantly, for people like me who hate Chelsea, they beat Bayern Munich in the finals. The final score being 1-1 in regulation and 4-3 in penalties. So that about wraps up the top of the standings in the English Premier League Standings. Sorry if you where a fan of other leagues across the world I will try to cover them soon.

Not that any of you will care, but here is a short season review of my recreational team, Lakewood Football Club. It was a rather dissapointing season if you look at our record 1-3-3. One win, three ties, and 3 loses. But, we have inproved greatly and will hopefully have a great fall season. We will have more chances, since we plan to be in tournaments this fall!

Tomorrow, a look at the Euro 2012!


  1. Haha GoonerFan! I won't say you're real name, but how do you think our Lakewood Team will do in tournaments, since I'm our fabulous goalie? XD

    1. i think our "fabulous goalie" will help us on our journey to victory!
