
Thursday, August 15, 2013

English Premier League Predictions

Well England just played Scotland in the stadium I was at during the beginning of the summer. Good ole Wembley Stadium in London. Since its the 150th Anniversary of the FA, they are trying to bring these great British rivalries back. So even though they are called friendlies, they are really not that friendly!  The game was actually a very good game. It was full of exciting action and a bag full of good goals. England started out looking very bad. Rooney was a little too pass happy when he should of shot and dribbled and all of England just looked tired. Scotland finally scored the first goal and got up 1-0. Then the Arsenal man Theodore P. Walcott tied England up. But once again Scotland looked much better and on a nice turn an shoot they scored again (I love the turn and shoots. The Mario Gomez turn and shoot in Euro 2012 was amazing)! I told Gerrard he needed to start sending in better balls because his crosses were rubbish.  That's when Welback headed one in on a ball served in by Gerrard. Lampard came in and sent some wicked shots at the goalie but none went in! I love Ricky Lambert at Southhampton and it was cool to see him get some playing time for the National squad. I'm pretty sure the corner was sent in by Baines and who else but LAMBERT to put it in and give England the win over Scotland. Lambert had more chances and I wished he would have finished them because he deserved the goals. But England got a much needed win at home against one of their rivals Scotland, 3-2!

Yes ladies and gentleman its time for what we've all been waiting for. No, not a video of Gareth Bale buying bananas at the local grocery store in North London (I know sorry to disappoint you). Nor real footage of Mario Ballotelli setting off fireworks in his own bathroom, but instead its time for English Premier League Predictions! The EPL is my favorite league around the whole world and at the moment probably the league that plays the best football around the world! The English teams usually attract players from all around the world. As more and more teams get rich around Europe, more players will be exiting the Premier League though!

Relegation in the EPL always seems to be an intense battle. Unfortunately I had to watch my 2nd favorite team QPR exit the highest division in England last year. This year three more teams fans will have to experience that same fate. As much as I hate to say it, I see South Hampton leaving the EPL. I love Ricky Lambert and Adam Lallana but their team is just so boring. I cant stand watching South Hampton play most of the time. So yes, relegation for South Hampton. Hull City didn't really impress me any times I've watched them. They are not a bad team just not Premier League quality. But hey, Norwich surprised a bunch of people in their first season up. Now its a tough decision. I don't know whether to pick a team that's been in the Premier League for more than a season or a team that just got promoted. Since I don't live in England, watching lower league games is hard, so I don't know as much about the lower league teams! I will say that........Newcastle will get relegated. I thought about Sunderland, but their new coach seems fantastic. Newcastle lost Demba Ba and towards the end of the season they just looked bad. So out of the top flight for the North East England club!

*Drum role please* Its now time for the top 5 teams in England! The battle for the top 4 is always an interesting one in the EPL. The top 4 gives you a chance in the UEFA Champions League and of course if you come in first, the Premier League title. Arsenal's neighbors Tottenham looked really good last season, but I think they will not touch the top four once again, not even the top 5. Liverpool got off to a slow start last season. But towards the end, unlike Newcastle, they looked really good. Even with a chance of losing Suarez, I see them taking the 5th spot. That means Spurs drop down to 6th and Everton to 7th. Arsenal, as much as I would like you to come in higher than fourth, that's where you will end up again! If y'all will not buy any "big name" players you just cant break out of the spot. As I've said before, you can still produce players, but you have to buy a few too. Some people will see this as a surprise, but Manchester City will drop to third! Even though they buy all their players and buy good ones too, I just don't think their new coach knows whats up. Going against the likes of  Moyes and Mourinho I just don't think he has the experience. In second are the Blue's of Chelsea. Chelsea usually has an outstanding defense and Jose Mourinho has been itching to get back to the EPL. He will try his hardest to win the title, but will fall one place short! Manchester United is a risky option for the title with their new manager and all. But Moyes really moved Everton to new levels and he has sort of the same style ole Alex had. So with Van Persie and the rest of Manchester United, they will make it 21 titles for the red side of Manchester!

Tune in to the first game of the EPL season on Saturday! It should be another exciting year of English football!

1 comment:

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